I have a few passions in life that I don't always get to fuel.


I really enjoy BBQ. I love the science, the taste, the experimenting, and - of course - cooking!

Whenever I get an unexpected bonus or windfall I will likely spend it here. I have several types of BBQ now, including:

I have owned other BBQs and accessories, but these are the three I use throughout the year.

For the past few years I've even done my Christmas Goose / Turkey on the BBQ - you should totally try it too!


My home is very automated. I have all kinds of gizmos and gadgets. I've even created some of my own that I might share here one day.

Nothing brings me more joy than solving a problem if I can get my hands dirty to fix it. Writing code or building things is something I get lost in.


For a very long time I've struggled to live healthily and diet. I still do. Attaching this to sustainability though makes it easier for me.

I am not perfect, and do stupid things. But in general I want to leave this planet in a better state than I joined it - so if I can do little things to help then I will.